The Prophets from Adam to Baha’u’llah, that is, Abraham, Moses,
Krishna, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad and the Bab, all told us what the force was
that held ourselves and the universe together. Simply put: it’s the love of God
for His creation. The Bible tells us God created us out of His love for us, and
He also created the heavens and the earth for our dominion and happiness. Nature
serves man in His search for meaning and the reality of all things. Man is
driven to seek the truth in the reality of existence, to know the reason why
everything exists. The search for truth and the discovery process, have no end.
To materialists this is epitomized by science, and to the
faithful it’s epitomized by religion. Search and discovery, science and
religion, are as old as mankind. How can science and religion disagree, when
both seek and discover the truth? Is truth one? Or is it divided? Every single
day, science and technology advance new discoveries which often overturn the
old facts. Was the old information wrong?
Was it wrong to call Pluto a planet? Or is it merely a difference of
degree and classification to now call it a dwarf planet and not a major planet?
Science changes its facts and discoveries every day, as do new religions
appearing one after the other, like Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Baha’i. It would seem to me that both scientific truth
and religious social truth are relative to the age in which they appear.
Spiritual truths however, are timeless, applying to every age.
As a layman, a non-scientist, all I can do is watch the news
and read the articles about this new Higgs-boson particle, and try to
understand what it means. Yet people of faith have always known what keeps the
universe together. This new discovery, just like more to come in the future,
does not shake my faith, but confirms it. In my heart of hearts, and in my
mind, I’ve understood for some time what keeps the universe together. It’s the
supreme magnetic force from God, just as Einstein clearly alluded to in the
opening quotation.
The Higgs-boson particle was headline news for one or two
days, and then was quickly forgotten by most people who had heard it. Except
the scientists and the faithful, of course.
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